Kali on a good day
  Kali on a good day | sparkmatched | Photo Page | Days since | I have to tell you... | Surfer Rosa | Cursed | Keeping Mum | Raindrops on roses | We are family | Be my guest  

Uh huh...

Some you know me. Some of you dont. Some of you think you know me. Some of you would like to know me better. Don't do it. Run!! save yourself...OK my name isn't really Kali, but just about everything else on the pages is true, true, true! from the humiliation of the unfaithful X to the cyber shennanigans. Names have been changed to protect the guilty, as they have a hard enough time of things as it is.

Thanks and Spanks
Sam went to see Garbage in Edinburgh yesterday. Sam has a bit of a Shirley problem and was asked to throw *clean* underwear at the stage. I've succesfully dodged my stalker at last! yay! If anyone would like to apply for the vacant posistion of stalker, please e-mail me.

special hello!

anyone who has happenned here from artcrime - lots of the stuff here is pre-Chicago but I like it - it was a time in my life when I needed the freedom of blethering away to people I'd never met - those of you I have now met - *sorry!* much of this will be too close to the proverbial bone! no matter - my life is an open book with a salacious packaging!

'The' Dress

This dress is guarenteed. It works every time. There has not been a single occasion when I have worn this dress and not been proposistioned.

This photo is somewhat fuzzy. Like me occasionally...you can see some fuzzy versions of my tattoos. They have been added to since the photo was taken (Xmas '00)but you get a fair idea of coverage. Ooh! and Ive got new specs. They are seriously funkay no doubt the photos will update. If i ever get my scanner fixed. Do not expect many photos on me without clothes on. In your dreams. We are not that sorta site. ( But you can always e-mail me and ask!! I like the attention!)

Please note! I am smoking a ( ick!) cigarette in this photo. This does not happen anymore. Unless Im very drunk. And if Im that drunk, who cares...?

NEW! 06/04/02
Partial update. QM dead. who gives a giddy-fuck. I'm not getting a day off work, although some lucky swine won the £320 in the when-she-dies menage. Now all I have to look forwards to is Thatcher getting run over by a fox-hunt. Oscar winners in African American shocker!! maybe we can all celebrate when we have a black woman president, as long as it isn't bloody Oprah. Phone sex rules!! no slouching off to catch a late night taxi or embarrasedly mentioning that night buses run from the end of the road!

Site content
Im lazy. I could have learnt how to make a web-site from scratch. Im currently attempting to learn html, but I am soo-oo-oo basic. forgive me, for I know not what I do..

remember the rooftops...