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Me and my Cyber harem

You know who you are!
Wolfie. You talk me up so much. You've dug me out of my low-self esteem and continually make me smile at our whirlwind e-mailery. You've brought me encouragement in my writing and poetry, brought me to zen ( although I musta been ready to go there! ) and redusted my butterflys wings for tarot and astrology. I was a witch before I met you, but now I'm a better one. We're bound together you and I by an idle enchantment on a rowan moon...No matter who or what we're friends for life. <grins and winks>

Iscariot I have nothing to say for other people to read.I had the best vacation. I *still* have a bad feeling about you though. too many miles.
Others well they come and go...they come and go...

This bit is reserved for Sparkmatch tomfoolery from people who have made me smile!! I generally ask their permission to use their words or names. . Unless they've pissed me off in someway.Sometimes I omit their names so that I can hold them closer - its a *personal* thing... If you recognise something that youve typed here and want it removed you can ask. I can refuse. It'll end in court, with my single parent victim face on. I'll win! nyaa!

  • 'Youre Kali on a good day, your love of comix, porn and would make men worship at your divine altar'
  • ' You look like one of the Corrs sisters. very hot!' uh huh. If one of the corrs sisters had swallowed one of her siblings whole! ( am secretly flattered by this though!!)
  • 'hiya babe! you are so yummy it makes me hard... 'haahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!! woooooooooh! (ahem) OK. Ive stopped laughing...can I go now? (actually this guy has a picture up of him in his underpants. subtelty, thy name is not 'sex_machine_69' tsk! theres a confidence betrayed...I just cant be trusted...

    Kali has a darker side! (No!! Really?) I redid the sparkmatch test under another name. Shes a bit of a scrubber. I cant tell you her name. You've probably left a message like this at somepoint...

    Bounciestsnake writes: ' I have a cock for you...want it?'

    Such a kind offer.

    Frogprints writes: 'fuck me with a strap on'

    Direct and to the point. gotta admire that. who said romance was dead...

    XXXXX'sounds like your my kinda biiiaattch! please me!'

    (I left this guys name off, because, although he obviously didnt intend it. he made me roll on the floor in an unkind non sexual way!)